Happy 9th birthday Party celebrations at the Ambassador Hotel hosted by Kathryn (mom) for Katryna are her friends...to include a sleep-over.

Katryna's 4 friends were: Lucy, Page, Daisy, Cara.

28 September 2017

Kathryn is on the phone (left side of picture) ordering pizza for later

Kathryna with the slide (behind her) that is only functional on the weekends ;(

Brother (Jonah) and sister

Kathryn, son and daughter

Elevator ride

The room, is on the 3rd floor..#302

Grandma and Katryna playing catch ---with a balloon?

Now they are at the pool

Morgan and Joshua enjoying the hot-tub where the girls arre not ;)

The girl in black (Cara) sure jumped high

How to be cool, while going down a kid's slide....

I guess Joshua saw me with the camera

Morgan agrees...the bomb

Pizza Time

Cupcakes made by Grandma and icing by Papa

It was a hit


He loves his sister

Well, boys left at 8PM as did Cara...so? Back to the pool?

And then PJs and some healthy snacks

And that usually gets you calm for the night..(note: since it goes from landscape to portrait mode, I can not compensate) I got this movie at 1130PM...
