Jessika celebrated her sweet 16 twice.

1. At Tassé's in Kingston

2. At Tassé's in chateauguay

1. On 16 August (8 Days before her official 16th Birthday on the 24th) we celebrated her Sweet 16 with family.

Matthew and family came down, and I should say it has been nearly a year since I last "physically" seen and hugged Matthew. Thomas and Kheayali were also there. I should note that Kathryn had already planned on bringing Jasmine, Gavin, Katryna and Jonah to an African park about 3 hours away so they all couldn't be there for Jessika.

And this is our "soon to be" 16 year old grand daughter

Thomas & Matthew were in charge of cooking supper. It was going to take a little longer than we had budgeted for so we decided to give the gifts to Jessika before supper. The first gift was from Sangeeta.

This was the gift from Thomas and Kheayali (and Ranger Danger I am assuming) lol

I love her expression and joy in receiving this gift. Obviously she was thrilled.

Kathryn, Mike and Katryna with Jonah gave her a card. Jessika was happy as she wants to save money for (I think) her driver's license.

Our card was next in line


I see supper was now ready. We had short ribs and Salmon. Let me tell you that I just love the way Thomas cooks the Salmon. I never tasted the ribs so I can not say anything.

There was some dancing and frivolity and it had nothing to do with the wine and beer ingestion.

When she was younger

There was some throwing of the football that Thomas had purchased and then some golf in the green space along with some instruction to Jessika (from her godfather) and Arianna.

Then we had dessert. There was a cake (made by Lisa-yes it was good-personally tasted it) and a strawberry cheese cake (Costco) the strawberries were passable (I only ate the strawberries, I am not a cheese cake fan).


Then there was some indoor dancing to songs that belonged to the couple. Endless Love by Diana Ross. Amazed by Lonestar for Matthew and Lisa.

Words by Bee Gees for mom and I.

2. On 24 August Matthew and Lisa held a party for her. First they stopped at Grandma's

Once they had picked up the people in Gatineau and Ottawa, they went for supper.

After supper, it was a Limo. From left to right its Allie (Emily's twin sister) then Emily (Jessika's girlfriend) then Jessika then her very good friend Meghan, From left to right its Allie (Emily's twin sister) then Emily (jessika's girlfriend) then Jessika then her very good friend Meghan

While they were doing all that, Matthew & Lisa (with friends) were preparing the Apartment for a party

What a party!!! Well done Matthew & Lisa to celebrate Jessika's 16th birthday in such a fashion.



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