With 2020, the grandkids were not able to see Santa and tell him what they wanted for Christmas, nor get their picture taken with the jolly Ole Fellow. Here is my solution.

Gavin, then Jasmine

Arianna and then Jessika

Katryna and Jonah

A Christmas where you are not getting together provides challenges of its own. The first being how to get those gifts to the people you care about. For Matthew, Lisa and Arianna and Jessika...we were in luck. Thomas and Kheayali were going on a 3 day escape and it brought them right past Matthew's house. So the plans for a drop off were formulated.

For other gifts from my mother and sisters, well, we were in luck. Chantelle was coming to Kingston to visit a friend so she dropped off everything here (Safely) for Kathryn, and Thomas.

For the gifts for Matthew from mom and family, well, since Matthew and Lisa both work at VIA, they hopped on a train and met the families in Ottawa. The two hour turn around was enough to allow a visit and the exchange of gifts. No peeking.

My mom getting ready to give them the gifts to transport back

Given COVID, this is what you call a "safe" kiss. No Tongue.

Some gifts arrived early ... so why wait??? I was spoiled this year.

Some gifts were administered early...so why wait? Thanks to Kathryn mom got her "safe" mani-peddi

Given Matthew's schedule, they celebrated Christmas (minus our gifts and the gifts from Grandma) early. They were nice enough to take a family picture.

Because of Matthew's job, some gifts for his girls were opened early

December 25th. 4PM ZOOM call begins. To allow things to progress at a good pace and that we don't overlook anyone, I made up an Itinerary for the event.

The fruits of labor

So nice seeing both sisters working hard

(Picture taken once XBox's were finially in stock and delivered)

Jasmine got her Airpods

Gavin got an iPhone XR


Katryna, is that a ROOT's Mask?

A TimBit Christmas ornament

Katryna, Apple Airpods also...

Jessika, a 32" TV

A gift to Kheayali & Lisa...Lisa only got 1/2 of it so far ...unfortunate, Canada Post was late delivering the Sushi Maker.

A Chair from Great Grandma

A Hoverboard from Great Grandma see video Click here

Just click play

Christmas Cards from my mom

I received a cup a while ago, now Grandma has one that is the same

Matthew put his skills to work and made mom a picnic table for the birds and squirrels and etc...well done!!

Thomas & Kheayali, knowing that we would not be going down South, gave us a bunch of things to help pass winter here in Canada. There were even some Yellow pages for food delivery etc. We are still laughing at the thoughtful gifts and crying at not going south!!

Sangeeta, so thoughtful and I am using the diffuser in the den as I work on the web-page.

Thank you mom for the thoughtful gift

A Hally Henson Sweater from Kathryn

Christmas Supper at Thomas'

Christmas Supper at Matthew's

Christmas supper at home

We are going to pop the poppers

Someone glued my ends because I couldn't tear them apart...either that or I need more work in the weight room!

These desserts are deadly. Kathryn & Katryna make these Cherry Cheese things that I ABSOLUTLY LOVE!@@@

A gift form Thomas that obviously mother and daughter love!

Taking a few pictures

Kathryn & Family

While they had time, Kathryn showed Jonah how to build his toy

Then they got dressed for the evening. Kathryn in a lovely dress that even Jonah was smiling!!!

The wave off from the Tassé Family in Châteauguay

I'll finish with this picture that Chantelle gave her grandmother. It is absolutely lovely!@!! I had to share.