Here I am at the foot of Prague castle looking out over Prague

A metro hub in Prague. There are currently 3 lines: A (green), B (Yellow) and C (Red)

On a pedestrian bridge in the Vysehrad district

The Žižkov Television


Entrance to Vysehrad of the Premysi Dynasty estb on the bank of the Vitava River in 10th Century

A stop at the subway in Prague

Below is part of Vysehrad

Below is a Photo from one of Vysehrad's vantage points

And now Vysehrad vantage point over looking the Vltava River

Notice the fortifications on the Vltava River

Notice the Bridges over the Vltava River

At one of the vantage points they had stones with designs to tell you what lay ahead

The Vysehrad basilica in Prague also known as the Basilica of St Peter and St Paul

The Vysehrad basilica in Prague

The Vysehrad basilica in Prague

The Vysehrad basilica in Prague

The Vysehrad Cemetry containing significant personalities since since 1869

Vyšehrad stands with steep cliffs on three sides this was not one of those cliffs.

Prague Castle in the Distance

Some of the fortifications

A Sample of the meal prices. Use 1 CAN dollar equals 16 Krone (2010)

The Žižkov Television

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