Our Maine Friends

There is quite the story behind how we met and the great relationship we nurtured for the 3 months that we got to know each other. Here is the story.

It was a dark and stormy night; the cold rain fell in torrents — except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the sands on the beach (for it is in Myrtle Beach that our scene lies), rattling along the condo tops, and fiercely agitating the scanty internet of the computers that struggled against the brownouts....and so on...

The story begins. I was going for many walks during the day and trying to put in the miles. In so doing, I needed to take hot baths at night. The condo we were in had a Jacuzzi bath so that made the option so much easier. I took one every night. It was relaxing and helped my lower back. One night in the second week of January, Sharon comes knocking at the door and tells me to turn everything off. I did, and then asked why? It seems that the water was going into the condo downstairs. Frank had come up to ask Sharon (we did not know them at that time) to please turn the Jacuzzi off. Naturally we both phoned our owners and explained what had happened.

The next day, I saw Frank on the balcony and explained to him that the owner was going to address the issue and that I was very sorry for the problems that I may have caused him. In our discussion, I learned that Frank played golf. Well, I was looking for a game and told him to let me know the next time he went out and I would go with him. The next week we went out twice a week...rain or shine, cold or warm. I told him the only criteria that I had was I would like to play a different course each time (if that was possible). He agreed. It was there that I thought that this was going to be fun. When Sharon and I left Myrtle Beach and two friends behind, Sharon and I knew it was more than fun...it was going to be a friendship and good memories.

We went to their condo for a great Italian supper.

Sharon and Milli would often go for walks as Frank and I would take off for a game of golf.

Frank would always go and find Milli when he returned from golf

I was just getting back from my walk and talking to Frank. Milli was most likely talking with Norman (her son).

For Frank & Milli's birthday, Frank's daughter (Susan) and her husband (Chris) came down from Boston. Good daughter.

Chris wanted to go swimming and test the waters. He did go in and he came out a lot quicker. But he did it!

Sharon & I thought a nice little gift from Canada would suit them...

So cute...nice hug

Sharon often went and met them at the beach

Being a good Tassé, Sharon knew when to wave ;)

Milli and Frank lived right below us...an easy way to pass information without having to use the useless elevator or the stairs. I started this since I did not want to disturb them...and because I like playing games ;)

When I also heard that they don't mind Krispie Kreame donuts, I thought I would go and see if I could get fresh ones

Did you know we deliver?

Milli didn't!

If any one finds these coupons, I hear that Frank loves receiving them
