These are some of the resturants we frequented with Friends at Myrtle Beach. We tried to go out once or twice a week and try a different resturant. Some places we enjoyed like Ryan's Grill Buffet & Bakery, North Myrtle Beach, we have no pictures. Ryan's was a favorite for seniors (which we discovered by accident). Between 1 and 3PM Monday to Friday they have a special where each person saves the cost of the drink. Not much you say? Well, drinks were $2.5 and it adds up ;)

(At the bottom of the page there is a hyperlink to return to the Myrtle Beach Main page)

Benny Rappas

This was a night out with our "Maine Friends". One things I could not show here was the menu was displayed on a back-lit tablet. This was really great since it was a little dark but you do not need a light, the menu is lit up!!! Oh ya, when Frank got the bill, the same is true about how the bill was displayed.

Texas Roadhouse Grill

(We went here thiniking that it was the Texas Roadhouse...we were wrong). Did not enjoy this place.


We were treated by our friends Wayne & Vickie Chaisson from Kingston. They came down for a few days. A great resturant and good food and good friends are always welcome.

Horst Gasthaus German Restaurant

Sharon and I went here for St Paddy's Day. Sharon has wanted to go here since the time we first started to go to Myrtle Beach. Should have agreed long ago. Place was great. It has been open for 31 years. Here is my review on the resturant click here

Hog Heaven

(We were treated by people we know from Kingston, Rick & Heather Johnson)

Krispie Kreame (Though not really a Resturant, it is fun to go to).

T Bonz

We went here on a Tuesday because it was a 2 for 1. We waited 1 1/2 hours for a table. That was the last time. Company was good. Our friends from Maine, Frank & Milli.

Red Lobster

Another great time with our friends. Here we waited only about an hour for a table and Sharon says the meal ws/is better at the Kingston Red Lobster. It could also be because it was Valentine's Day and we were not the only people in love?

Texas Roadhouse

For those of you wondering-this is different from the "Texas Roadhouse Grill" we found out.

Villa Romana

Lighting in this place was not bright. In fact, Frank gave Sharon a flashlight when we got back to the condo. She had a hard time reading the menu ergo, the lighting for a picture was not that great either. I also had the opportunity to talk with the owner's wife (Fran) and we discussed the options of making meals. She explained to me that all the meals we were eating were made from stratch. Nothing was premade and microwaved...If I wanted a special item, all I had to do was ask.

This was the owner's wife Fran and the organ player
